ChatGPT: Shake Hand with Advanced AI

Gaurav Kumar
2 min readJan 1, 2023


Days of chatbots are going away. ChatGPT is there to replace traditional chatbots with it’s powerful AI, strong human communication features, ad ability to predict the next word in any sentence.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a high functioning AI chatbot launched in November 2022. It is based on GPT-3.5 family and perform actions based on large language models. It learns and adopt communication like human mind.

If you think that ChatGPT is just another chatbot. then think again.

What are the Users?

ChatGPT has many entertaining uses also, such as;

· Write a Twitter thread

· Write a novel

· Guest speaker Q&A prompts

· Create games

· Help in Dating

· Deal with anxiety and loneliness

· Translation

· Name things.

· Coding

· Integrations

· Fitness

· Help teachers

· Find podcast guests

· Review comments

· Reduce bias

· Fight against crime

· Design furniture

· Prepare of interview

· Gift ideas

· AP Style editing

ChatGPT is using 570GB of text and 175 billion parameters to create human interaction based results.

Result are so influential that ChatGPT can make you believe that results are according to your choice even if they are wrong.

ChatGPT is available for free as company is trying to get feedback from the users.

There are some limitations that you can find listed on OpenAI official document.

Still have questions, feel free to ask me.

